Top Five Reasons to Invest in Ontario

Companies that choose Ontario can have confidence in the province’s long term political and economic stability. Ontario is at the centre of one of the most stable and competitive business environments in the world. Canada has the world’s most stable banking system, is ranked the second most politically stable and is rated among the top three best countries for business. No wonder Canada has also been named one the best countries in the world to headquarter a business.

1. Low business costs

Ontario has the lowest overall business costs in the G7. Employer health costs in the U.S. are nearly double those of Ontario. Finally, our corporate general income taxes are nearly 13% lower than in the U.S.

2.Skilled and educated workforce

We have an abundance of talent, from the skilled trades to the most sophisticated areas of engineering and business. Our colleges and universities produce a steady output of high calibre graduates who are ready to tackle critical business challenges.

3. An innovative environment

We aren’t just ready for disruption, we are leading it. Our extensive innovation network of universities, R&D facilities and supportive government bodies is ready to transform today’s business challenges into tomorrow’s opportunities.

4. Access to global markets

We are part of the massive $20-trillion NAFTA market. In 2015, the daily two-way trade between Ontario and the U.S. was $929 million. And our extensive transportation infrastructure of road, rail, air and seaway allows you to reach global markets.

5. High quality of life

Change is hard enough; getting your business up and running in a different part of the world can be harder still. Our diverse communities, sophisticated lifestyle and tremendous opportunities for creative and personal growth will make the transition much easier.

Canada Incorporation services for foreign companies.

Throughout Canada, corporations are the most widely used legal vehicle for operating a business. A corporation has the same rights and obligations under Canadian law as a natural person. Among other things, this means it can acquire assets, go into debt,enter into contracts, sue or be sued, and even be found guilty of committing a crime.

To incorporate a new company in Canada., one or more persons(called “the incorporators”) may form a company by filing articles of incorporation, notice of address and notice of directors with the Corporate Registry Office of the desired jurisdiction of registration.

e-Companies Canada offer fast & easy Canada online incorporation and business registration services to foreign companies interested in doing business in Canada.

At we help you step-by-step and take care of the entire business registration process from start to finish. Incorporating a business with us is fast, easy and takes just minutes.

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