Explore Canada’s Machinery and Equipment Industry

Canada ranks among the world’s top machinery-manufacturing countries. Foreign investors in the machinery manufacturing sector can expect to become part of a deep value chain with strengths in a diverse range of verticals including automotive and aerospace metalworking, extractive field machinery, construction machinery, agribusiness machinery and equipment and environmental systems. Canada offers one of the lowest cost structures among advanced economies. Metal machining and precision component operations based in Canada have the lowest business costs of any country in the G7.

  • With over 10,000 establishments and a labour force of more than 160,000 workers, Canada’s machinery and equipment industry recorded sales of manufactured goods of $42.9 billion in 2015, and exports accounted for more than 79 percent of all sales.
  • The Canadian economy is specialized in machinery-intensive industries. The agriculture, mining, oil and gas, utilities, construction, and manufacturing (AMUCM) sectors account for nearly 30 percent of Canada’s GDP and companies in these sectors spent over $31.4 billion in 2016 alone on machinery and equipment.

Launch in the right location, with the right people, and the right resources

Start a new business in Canada. E-companies Canada offers information, knowledge and expert advice to help you start, run, grow, market and expand a strong successful business in Canada.

We Offer:

Canada Incorporation Service for Canadian Entrepreneurs
Canada Company Setup & Business Registration for Foreign Entrepreneurs
Canada Company Setup & Business Registration Services for Foreign Companies
Canada Limited Partnerships for Domestic Investors
Canada Limited Partnerships for Foreign Investors


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