Now that you have decided to start your own business in Ontario, you will have to determine what business structure or form of organization suits your needs. The structure of your business will depend on whether you want to run your business yourself or with a partner or associates. There are four main types of […]
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Starting a Business in Edward Island: Choose a business structure
Now that you have decided to start your own business in Edward Island, you will have to determine what business structure or form of organization suits your needs. The structure of your business will depend on whether you want to run your business yourself or with a partner or associates. There are four main types […]
Starting a Business in Saskatchewan: Choose a business structure
Now that you have decided to start your own business in Saskatchewan, you will have to determine what business structure or form of organization suits your needs. The structure of your business will depend on whether you want to run your business yourself or with a partner or associates. There are four main types of […]
Starting a Business in Yukon: Choose a business structure
Now that you have decided to start your own business in Yukon, you will have to determine what business structure or form of organization suits your needs. The structure of your business will depend on whether you want to run your business yourself or with a partner or associates. There are four main types of […]
Starting Your Business in British Columbia Checklist
Where do I start? tasks to be undertaken resources Evaluate your idea Is your idea feasible? Can you make money from this venture? Market Research Test the viability of your idea by researching the market, industry, and competition Develop A Business Strategy This is an essential step and critical for the planning and success of […]
Alberta Incorporation FAQ: Should I Incorporate?
A corporation in Alberta is a legal “person,” which can be created under provincial business corporation act. As a person, a corporation has certain rights and obligations such as the right to do business and the obligation to pay taxes. Sometimes one hears of a law referring to “natural persons.”That is to differentiate them from […]
British Columbia Incorporation FAQ: Should I Incorporate?
A corporation in British Columbia is a legal “person,” which can be created under provincial business corporation act. As a person, a corporation has certain rights and obligations such as the right to do business and the obligation to pay taxes. Sometimes one hears of a law referring to “natural persons.”That is to differentiate them […]
Manitoba Incorporation FAQ: Should I Incorporate?
A corporation in Manitoba is a legal “person,” which can be created under provincial business corporation act. As a person, a corporation has certain rights and obligations such as the right to do business and the obligation to pay taxes. Sometimes one hears of a law referring to “natural persons.”That is to differentiate them from […]
New Brunswick Incorporation FAQ: Should I Incorporate?
A corporation in New Brunswick is a legal “person,” which can be created under provincial business corporation act. As a person, a corporation has certain rights and obligations such as the right to do business and the obligation to pay taxes. Sometimes one hears of a law referring to “natural persons.”That is to differentiate them […]
Northwest Territories Incorporation FAQ: Should I Incorporate?
A corporation in Northwest Territories is a legal “person,” which can be created under provincial business corporation act. As a person, a corporation has certain rights and obligations such as the right to do business and the obligation to pay taxes. Sometimes one hears of a law referring to “natural persons.”That is to differentiate them […]